Saturday, March 27, 2010

3 Weeks

It has now been three weeks since I started trying to learn about blogging and about gaining traffic on the internet. I have a couple hours most nights to try to learn more. I started on March 6th. More study time has been available lately because my wife is involved in Singin' in the Rain with Lehi Arts. For the last three weeks she has been gone every night and also every Saturday. On the bright side, she has started the actual productions so she will be home most the day today. It is going to be a little interesting when she is done and I have my nightly schedule all set now.

The plan is to keep learning about blogging and the web in general. Part of my time needs to be split between studying and actually creating some blog posts. With so much to learn about the web, I can't stop studying each day, but I won't get better at blogging without doing it as much as I can.

One thing I learned more about last night was offsite optimization. Google will rank a site higher if it has links to its site from other important sites. I looked at a number of different web sites last night. Some sites ranked as a 2 only had one link on another site. Sites with a rank of 3 had around 2-4 links. It only took around 5-10 links for sites to be ranked a 4. To get to a 5 it seemed like that was the biggest jump. Sites with a 5 ranking seemed to have hundreds of links. It seemed to take thousands of links to get to a 6. Getting to a 4 doesn't seem too difficult, but getting to a 5 will take a bit of work.

The first step is to get Google to rank my site. I believe the best way is to get a link to my site on an important site. We'll see how it goes.


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